To order the digital edition you want, follow these steps:
1. Select the desired digital edition at and place it in the shopping cart. Complete the purchase process (payment by credit card or PayPal possible). After purchasing, you will receive a license code by email.
2. If you have not yet installed the Klett Sprachen App on your device: Download it onto your device free of charge from the store. Alternatively, you can use the web app (no installation required).
3. Open the Ernst Klett Sprachen license portal:
a) Create account / Login
Create an account for the license portal with a valid email address and password. You have to use this login data to log into the Klett Sprachen App. If you already have an account for the license portal, simply log in.
b) Activate license code
Under "Activate license code", enter the license code that you received by email after purchasing.
4. Open the Klett Sprachen App on your device and log in with the same access data that you use in the license portal. The purchased and activated digital editions are now available in your app library.