First steps
- Do I need to register to use allango?
- What is allango?
- What do I find in the allango library?
- How can I register with allango?
- How do I remain logged in to allango?
- How can I change my role in allango?
- How do I activate the licence key for my product in allango?
- Where can I find the licence key for my product?
- Where do I enter the licence key for my product in allango?
- Is there a demo licence for the digital edition allango?
- Why is there a limited licence period for the Digital Edition?
- I have activated a Digital Teaching Plus on allango. Why has the licence period of my Digital Edition not been extended?
Digital edition and supplementary products
- I have already activated my licence key in allango. Where do I find my book?
- How do I open my teacher's book in allango?
- How can I download and print the copy templates from my Digital Teaching Plus on allango?
- What does a Digital Edition allango include?
- What is Digital Teaching Plus?
- Why can I not see my Digital Teaching Plus allango in my library?
Hybrid Edition
- I have ordered a Hybrid Edition. Where do I find my licence key?
- What is a Hybrid Edition allango?
- Is the content of the Hybrid Edition allango exactly the same as the Print Edition?
- Will the "course and workbook" format as well as the "part and full volumes" be also used for the Hybrid Editions allango?
- What is the difference between a Print Edition and the Hybrid Edition allango?
- Will the transition from Print Edition to Hybrid Edition allango lead to delays in delivery?
Media contents
Technical issues
- What happens in allango when I clear my browser's cache?
- What is the difference between saving offline and downloading in allango?
- Will my existing progress and any changes made in the Klett-Augmented-App be transferred to allango?
- Can allango be launched in all common browsers?
- Can allango be used on all devices?
- How do I install allango on my device?
Offline content
- How does offline saving work in allango?
- Can I access the content stored offline if I have logged out of allango?
- Why is the list of my offline saved content in allango empty?
- Why can't I play offline saved content offline in allango?
- Where can I find my offline stored content in allango?
- What happens to offline content in allango when the associated licence term has expired?
My lists
- How do I create a new list in allango?
- What content can I store in a list in allango?
- How do I share a list in allango?
- Is it possible to share a list of licensed content?
- Can I also share lists in allango that contain individual progress and edits?
- Can I edit changes within a list I have received in allango?